I can supply and install all types of lime concretes and screeds;
Standard NHL5 limecrete with expanded clay or foamed glass aggregate sub base like Glaspor conforming to LABC.
Hot mixed pozzalonic red lime concrete for damp or salty areas in Listed Buildings.
Aberdo Natural Hydraulic Lime hot mixed pozzalonic lime concrete for high strength and marine applications in Listed Buildings.
Lightweight hot mixed pozzalonic concrete with perlite, expanded clay and straw for insulation and first floors in Listed Buildings.
Bespoke mixes for specific uses such as a paving sub base suitable for vehicular traffic can be made upon request.
I'm also currently researching and developing a form of Roman Concrete for more demanding marine applications.
Opus Signinium, polished and harder wearing screeds and finish coats such as Terrazzo are also available.
Test cubes can be produced and delivered to testing centres for a small fee. Or this can be arranged entirely by me.
If you have historic sample test results then I can also work towards matching them as well as is feasibly possible.
The one exception that I point blank refuse to install is hempcrete, it's a terrible product that destroys a buildings character and completely ignores all the basic principles of working with lime, solid wall construction and masonry in general. It also requires perfect installation and understanding of historic masonry to be anywhere near effective, which considering the people using it...nope. Hemp is an absolute bag of dicks and it irritates me endlessly that people think its so good. It's not and there are so many superior options to it that it's clearly being specified by people who shouldn't even be trusted to specify options for the type of sauce in a bacon butty. It's ketchup btw...brown sauce if you're weird and old but anything else is entirely unacceptable. To clarify, limecrete has an inferior natural reinforcement, Barley straw is better by any measure. It has a greater number of benefits, it's locally sourced, time proven, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, contains a greater number of calcite forming bacteria and stronger. Limecrete is prepared the wrong way; too much water, too quick and poured like it's an OPC concrete. It has voids and will settle due to thermal dilation grinding down the binder. Then it will bridge damp and impart pressure against wall bases whilst introducing more salt to historic masonry. It is so bad, that I wonder by what standard it was considered, it's illogical. In a modern house with the same building principles then fine, it has a big place in the Eco build market but old houses DO NOT work like that. New=lots of rigid waterproof sections with flexible joints between them, Old= one solid permeable mass that moves together at the same rate with no joints. Obviously something which works for one will not work for the other... By far the most ridiculous thing about hempcrete is the simple and undeniable fact that ANY lime requires an unbroken mass of pores a certain size for effective moisture transfer, ie. 'to breathe'. It is entirely pointless to use lime as a binder and in fact makes it less effective and more expensive. It is utter bullshit. Lightweight or foamed sulphate resistant concrete installed by professionals would be better, Building up with cob bricks or insulative lime plaster like a perlite based one would also be an improvement.
The picture above is a hot mixed red lime concrete with expanded clay aggregate and brick dust. This is just onto beach sand as its a cellar on the sea front. It was specified to prevent salt migration, to be relatively water resistant and thermally beneficial. This was then screeded and tiled over. Sorry about the picture it almost never occurs to me to take them anymore and limecrete is just prep work for floors normally.
A few notes on limecrete;
It doesn't really breathe through its mass from the ground up. It does collect a little water vapour from condensation due to everyday life each night. But as a general rule its there to prevent water vapour which rises from the ground due to underground water pressure from building up in the slab. The porous aggregates hold the water until the ground dries enough to attract the moisture to it. Water gets attracted to the driest, warmest and most porous material in an area. You can sometimes achieve this without such a deep and costly build up by using a single slab straight onto the ground with appropriate waring like Pennine Blue Yorkstone slabs. the slab would need to be incredibly porous and the ground percolation rate tested beforehand for suitability. Eg. don't do that with clay but a layer of free draining sand adjacent to a beach could be viable.
Floors really do have to specified on a case by case basis. Like all lime works. Lime is weak and highly reactive so it requires more bespoke specification than modern products and systems. But this is also the conservator in me speaking, a lot of people would advocate the wholesale replacement as a more guaranteed approach. You will have to weigh time versus money versus provenance as with any works on older properties.